dijous, 18 d’agost del 2016

The History of Supergirl

Kara was a little girl who lived in Krypton. One day when Krypton was about to explode sent Kara to the earth and his cousin Clark Kent.
She lived with her adoptive sister to the ground when he discovered that the DEO was working well as Kara Seurat developed the powers and became a Supergirl.

The symbol of Supergirl

dimecres, 22 de juny del 2016

The History of Arrow

Son of a wealthy family whose parents died tragically in a safari, Oliver Queen lived his inmerson in luxury and opulence life. All this changed the day his yacht was attacked by pirates and fell overboard, shipwrecked on a deserted island where he spent several months learning to survive. Fortunately, his former attackers used the island as a supply base, giving the opportunity for revenge and return to civilization.
This experience profoundly changed Oliver missed the danger and the emotions that life on the island had brought him, the "hunter" that became the jungle. When again he was involved in a robbery during a costume party to which he came dressed in "Robin Hood" saw the opportunity to recover what was lost. And that day was des forming his team and was discovering skills and became Arrow.

dijous, 16 de juny del 2016

The symbol of Arrow

History of Flash

Barry Allen was a normal boy until someone killed his mother and his father were locked in prison. He went to live at the home of Iris and her friend and wifh Jo the Iris father. Barry grew and began working as a coroner. One day he went to the spot where they put up the particle accelerator. Once a house struck by lightning right where he was. That lightning produced that become Flash.

The symbol of Flash


This blog is for fans of Flash , Arrow, SuperGirl and Legends Of Tomorrow . I hope you like all of you .